Grow Your Own Turmeric (Curcumin) for Your Medicine Cabinet
How to Prescribe Herbs the TCM Way
How to Make Healthy, Delicious Reishi Tea
How to Use Yunnan Baiyao: Self Reliance Topic
Acupuncture in Dentistry and Wisdom Teeth
The Secret to Flawless Skin Could Lie in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
The ancient practice of Qi Gong is gaining popularity in Houston
Acupuncture has been in the US since the 1860’s during the Gold Rush!!
Visit the historical site of Kam Wah Chung, one of the first acupuncture clinics in the USA.
Why a MD decided to practice acupuncture instead of prescribing Rx
Excellent video about TCM being described by a MD
Cleveland Hospital integrates Chinese Herbs
New Herbal Formula Created by Professors to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease
What to Know About Empty Nose Syndrome
The Invisible Pain of Empty Nose Syndrome
Big Pharma and Governments are ‘Turning a Blind Eye to Corruption’